Sunday, July 26, 2009

Oil companies are thinking about alternative energy. Or are they?

For the past few years oil companies like BP and Shell have put out multi-million dollar ad campaigns to tout their supposed "greening."  Obviously its the clear decision since oil reserves are few and far between and the burning of petroleum contributes to climate change.  And a great PR opportunity at that.  Greenwashing or not, there was a shift in these companies to at least consider helping to power the world through alternative energy like solar and wind, and to stop being so steadfast in their oil solution.  However, BP (British Petroleum) just announced that it would be significantly cutting back its Alternative Energy Division.
This is quite unfortunate and short-sighted of such a pioneering company.  Down-sizing is happening in this weak economy, but truly the road to economic growth is paved with solar panels and wind turbines, not oil.  When both the environmental and economic potential is blinking in your face, do the logical thing.  
We just have to fight harder now to make the big guys come to their senses and think about the integrity of the planet. 

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